Web Application Development

Intern Report on Web Application Development| FREE DOWNLOAD

The web Application Development work is an independent work support by primary and secondary data collect from various sources. The help taken from the other people has been mention in acknowledgment. Any part of this report and the report as a whole. Therefore, has not been submit or published for the academic award of any university or academic institution.

We often visit the organization in the internship period to know about the existing system and analyze the new requirement. Meetings were conduct from time to time with the authorize officials and staff members. After collecting all the relevant information, we start generating an overall idea about the system and prepare software as per the organizations’ requirements.

The activities we have to perform are as follows: We often assigned the task by the project manager. The project manager assigns the task to the team leader and based on the task team leader reassigns the task to us. The task contains the problem that needs to be solved. A list of activities that need to be done along with the design of it. We start generating overall idea as per the assigned task, and start to code it as per the task requirement.

Some Challenges are:

  • Skilled manpower is outsourcing to the countries
  • Latest technology updates
  • Network security is by far greatest concern for many companies
  • Insufficient allocation of Budget.

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