Voting system with Charts using Django Framework

Voting system with Charts using Django Framework

Project: Voting system with Charts using Django Framework

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Voting system with charts is a voting system developed using Python Django Framework which uses chart JavaScript APIs to build interactive chart of voting results. It provides features of login, register and voting to the polls added by the admin.

About System

The system is built fully in Django Framework in back-end and HTML, CSS in front-end. It contains all the features of any voting system such as user login, register to the system, manage user’s profile and most importantly the main screen which contains voting and polls details. It displays all the list of polls from which user can select one and vote according to their choice.

After the voting process, users can also see the overall result of the poll which is displayed by a beautiful Interactive Charts. There is also a admin panel from where all the polls and their questions-options can be managed. Admin also has the control over all user’s info and their voting details.

How To Run The Project?

To run this project, you must have installed Python on your PC. After downloading the project, follow the steps below:

Step-1: Extract/unzip the file

Step-2: Go inside the project folder, open cmd and type the following commands to install Django Framework and run the webserver:

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. python runserver

Step-3: Finally, open the browser and go to localhost:8000

For admin panel:
username -> admin
password -> admin

The Voting system with Charts using Django Framework is free to download, Use for educational purposes only! In addition, for the project demo, you can have a look at the video below.

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Okoh Noah
3 years ago

This is absolutely making sense

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