Online Movie Streaming

Online Movie Streaming IN PHP, CSS, JavaScript, AND MYSQL | FREE DOWNLOAD

Online Movie Streaming” is an online movie show where the users can see the movie free of cost. Nowadays all people want to watch the movie online. All the CDs are not in use. This system will make it easier for users to watch the movie online. This system is designed in PHP and MYSQL.

Firstly, users need to sign up to the system, so they can register your account into the Online Movie Streaming system. Continuously, users set the password and email address which will be need in login page. Secondly, the users can log in to the system with their email address and password. After, log in to the system the users can see all the movies that they want. They can even search for the movie they want to watch. They can see the latest uploaded movies, watching movies, most watch movies.

User can not upload movies or the image of the movies in this system. Admin can only add the movies they want. http://localhost/OnlineMovieStreaming-master/admin.php Admin area. For the database connection in Online Movie Streaming first, you need to create the database named users.sql in the localhost/phpmyadmin/ and then you can import the database which is found inside sql-file folder with different sql like users1.sql,rating.sql, movies.sql all of this sql should be import.

The technologies used in this project are:

  • HTML: Page layout and design
  • CSS: Design
  • JS: Fontend
  • PHP: Backend
  • Bootstrap
  • Java Script

Supported Operating Systems:

You can run this project in the following operating systems:

  • Windows:
  • MAC:
  • Linux:

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Download Source Code of Online Movie Streaming IN PHP, CSS, JS, AND MYSQL

Author: anisha
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Pallab Mallick
Pallab Mallick
4 years ago

how to enable sound

4 years ago

how to stream or view online at client site when i run movie its download i did’t view online please help me how can view online on client pc also all format support online view

3 years ago

How to stream video in this project as project is not working properly

3 years ago

Can you tell me how your project is working

ognimo xela
3 years ago

Admin login details

3 years ago

Hello Admin . Im requesting for a php website or wordpress like

8 months ago