Project: Ecommerce & Blog Web Application using Django
This Ecommerce and Blog Site is a full-stack web app developed using Using Django Framework, HTML and CSS. The project also has all the functionalities that any top-tier e-commerce site would claim of. It also has beautiful UI designs with advanced back-end development using Python Django.
The website provides features such as search every items on the e-commerce store, login/register, add items to cart, edit/add/delete items from cart, make payments which includes shipping address and card-payment systems and most importantly it also has feature to track anyone’s order from order – delivery process.
About System
The system is built fully in Django Framework in back-end and HTML, CSS in front-end. It has full-features user interface with all the functionalities of any e-commerce website. It also provides separate dashboard for admin to track and control all activities i.e. products, orders, feed-backs and customers registered into the system.
How To Run The Project?
To run this project, you must have installed Python on your PC. After downloading the project, follow the steps below:
Step-1: Extract/unzip the file
Step-2: Go inside the project folder, open cmd and type the following commands to install Django Framework and run the webserver:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python runserver
Step-3: Finally, open the browser and go to localhost:8000
For Django Admin Panel:
Username: admin
Password: testing321
The Ecommerce & Blog Web Application using Django is free to download but use for educational purposes only! In addition, for the project demo, you can have a look at the video below.
Simple currency converter
hero sir,
your php blog is very good . i found sql injection vulnerability. any one can hack data base.