Project: Simple Library Management System in Java with source code
About Project
Library System is a simple application using graphical components in the Swing toolkit in Java. The feature of this simple application includes adding, listing books, members, borrowing and returning books. Here you can also search for books and members. The user has to enter a keyword and select if its book or member. This whole system is built using Java programming language with the help of Netbeans IDE.
In order to add books, the user has to provide books subject, title, author, publisher, copyright, edition number, number of pages, isbn, number of copies and shelf number. And to add a member for the system, he/she has to provide member id, passwords, name and email id. To borrow a book, he/she has to enter book id, member id, current and return date. Similarly, the user has to provide information such as book id, member id, fine per day and total fine amount in order to maintain return books record.
Design of this project is very simple so that the user won’t find any difficulties while working on it. To run this project you must have installed Netbeans IDE on your PC. Simple Library Management System in Java with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only! For the project demo, have a look at the image below.
- Add/List books
- Add Members
- Search books and members
- Borrow and return books
Can I send u pic of my error mam?..
In Car Rental
instead of netbean can i use eclipse for this project
Please tell how to run step by step?
what are the books names and all the details when i am giving any name it is saying error exception