“Shoes Store” is the online shoe shop where the users can buy the shoe online. This system is web-based which is written in PHP and MYSQL. The main purpose of this system is to make the user easy to select and shop for the shoes. Continuously, it consists of one main component user side and admin side. This system is a simple project which contains a gallery page where all the shoes are found. It is user-friendly. The user will fill easy to use this system because its simple design and good frontpage.
Admin can enter the shoes with their model, price, id in the inventory page. Customers can see the deals that have offered by the admin. They can seven emails to the administrator if they want to know something. They can see the contact deals of the shoes Store system admin.
For the database connection in Shoes Store first, you need to create the database named shoesstore.sql in the localhost/phpmyadmin/ and then you can import the database which is found inside the shoestore .sql file. External Files is there for the database help
The technologies used in this project are:
- HTML: Page layout and design
- CSS: Design
- JS: Fontend
- PHP: Backend
- Bootstrap
- Java Script
- Ajax
Supported Operating Systems for Shoes Store:
You can run this project in the following operating systems:
- Windows:
- MAC:
- Linux: