pharmacy inventory system

Pharmacy Inventory System In C++ With Source Code

Project: Pharmacy Inventory System in C++ with source code

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Pharmacy Management System is based on the concept of storing medicine and taking medicine orders. In this system, there is a login feature for admin. The user can use the features of it which include taking new medicine orders, deleting, modifying medicine orders, and viewing the summary of total sales within a day. Thus, this mini-project contains limited features, but the essential one.

About the Project

Pharmacy Inventory System project is written in C programming language. Talking about the system, it contains all the required functions which include adding, viewing, deleting, and updating medicine items. It is a C++ object-oriented-based desktop application to manage the storage of medicines. This system served as an administrative programme and users (Admin) need to key in a password to login into the system. This system allows users to add, update, delete, view and search the medical records according to the medicine id number. Also, the user can add and alter the category and stock of medicine. The system reduces the manual workload of inventory management.

How To Run The Project?

In order to run the project, you must have installed Dev C++ or Code Blocks on your PC. (we recommend these IDE). Moreover, Pharmacy Inventory System in c++ project with source code is free to download. Use for educational purposes only! For the project demo, have a look at the video below:

project demo


If stuck or need help customizing this project as per your need, just comment down below and we will do our best to answer your question ASAP. 

Author: codeprojects
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sanvi gowda
3 years ago

can I get the algorithm and flowchart for this project?

Ismail Faruqi
Ismail Faruqi
3 years ago

excuse me, i want to use your source code and adjust it for my homework. but there are several codes that i don’t understand how to customize, can i ask for your help?
if you don’t mind, can i have the flowchart of your project? you can send it to my email at [email protected]

2 years ago

it cant run.. whats the problem with this.. its error it says
[Error] MedicineStock.cpp: No such file or directory