Pharmaceutical Drug Dispatch System

Pharmaceutical Drug Dispatch System Project Report IN Java, NetBeans IDE, AND MYSQL | FREE DOWNLOAD

The affordability of a drug is dependent on many factors from what we call ‘the unnecessary cost hiking factors’ like the brand-name, ties between pharma companies and hospitals, privatization of the patent registrations dates and their expiry etc. To ‘the unavoidable factors’ like the availability of drug components and their amount of usage, the government approvals, quality testing of the drug. The disease that the medicine cures, the production cost etc. Pharmaceutical Drug Dispatch System(PDDS) is one such approach.

And many of the cheaply producible medicines have higher costs that can be otherwise easily sold for lower cost if we can just find a way to somehow tackle and eliminate ‘the unnecessary cost hiking factors’and get the cost to a bare minimum so that the drug becomes easily available, accessible and affordable even by the most destitute people of our society.

As competition brings out the best in the participants. At times it does lead to the involvement of bad practices that lead to problems to the other participants. That can also make them conform to the same practices. But this becomes a much larger problem when these can affect not just the participants. Also the society and hence individuals. The same is the case with the competition among pharma manufacturing companies and among hospitals. Very often then not, large pharmaceutical drug manufacturing companies and hospitals tend to involve themselves. Into practices that help them sell their manufactured drugs in greater numbers as compared to their participants.

Eventually, the interface provides a single portal where hospitals and pharma-manufacturers register themselves. Pharma-companies upload the details of all the drugs that they manufacture. This information can be looked upon by registered hospitals, providing them a kind of online bulk shopping platform but just for drugs for their dispensaries. They can find the medicines that they wish to buy by contacting the manufacturer. The governing body can also revoke access of any of the institutions if it deems necessary when they are not following the norms.

Diagrams Needed for this Project are:

  • Data Flow
  • ER Diagram
  • Schema Diagram
  • Use Case Diagram

Download Project Report of Pharmaceutical Drug Dispatch System IN Java, NetBeans IDE, AND MYSQL | FREE DOWNLOAD

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