Project: Online Voting System in PHP with source code
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Online Voting System is developed using PHP, CSS, and JavaScript. The project is an interesting, useful project. This project contains the admin side and user side where a user can vote for their favorite candidate. While the admin can add candidates, see voting results, and so on.
About System
Talking about the features of this system, the admin can manage the candidates, view results, and check feedback. While the user can simply vote for all the available candidates by giving some Basic Details of oneself. This system is A Interactive Way To Solve Conventional Voting.
The voters can also easily vote for their favorite person without having to go to the voting area. Also, the admin can easily view voting status. The design of this project is very simple so that the user won’t find any difficulties while working on it.
Note: This project is not a perfectly functional one. You can try making changes yourself for making it better.
How To Run??
To run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC. Online Voting System in PHP with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!
After Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP, follow the following steps
1st Step: Extract file
2nd Step: Copy the main project folder
3rd Step: Paste in xampp/htdocs/
Now Connecting Database
4th Step: Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
5th Step: Then, click on the databases tab
6th Step: Create a database naming “db_evoting” and then click on the import tab
7th Step: Click on browse file and select “db_evoting.sql” file which is inside the “Online-Voting-System” folder
8th Step: Click on go.
After Creating Database,
9th Step: Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/Online-Voting-System/”
Insert the username and password which is provided in the database record. For the project demo, you can have a look at the video below:
Got stuck or need help customizing Online Voting System as per your need, go to our PHP tutorial or just comment down below and we will do our best to answer your question ASAP.
hello, the site is quite interesting but please i have a worry about data duplicate,
Project: kool kids Project Domain / Category: Web Application Abstract/ Introduction: In the today’s ecommerce world, different types of kids’ garment brands are running their business through Internet. The main objective of this project is to develop a website that will help the customers to buy the different Varieties of kids’ garments and other kid’s necessities from anywhere. It is beneficial in terms that not only local customers could purchase but the customers from different places could also buy desired varity. This website will contain complete variety of different garment brands as well as other kids’ necessities displayed in several… Read more »
What is the Admin user name and password for online voting
check it from the database record
Sir will u give me the same voting system for student election ?
am a student looking for a final year project ,can you help
How do I reset the poll?
Please I need someone to put me through some stuffs on how to create an online voting system using blockchain, please I beg of you if you’re willing to help it’s my final year project
There is error in “updatepwd.file” . can you please update it.
can i get the synopsis for “ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM IN PHP WITH SOURCE CODE” project
hey! did u get the report for online voting system????
can you please provide a report for online voting system??
please send me the online-Voting-system project synopsis please
Sir can u please provide online-Voting-system project documentation and ppt if any available
when i try the 9th step it shows “the requested url is not present in this server
the update password feature and feadback feature is not working
what will be the class diagram for this project?
Hi, is there a guide or instruction on how to link the server to multiple computers. Thanks.
where is documentation of this project???
The feature of the system is so amazing but I need to change the cast your vote button to login the it direct the person to login the. He can vote
report pdf
mahi bafna class
project documentation avilable sir ??
can i get projec t report and configuration