Project : Online Shopping Store
Online Shopping Store is a simple PHP project which can be used for an online transaction.
- Sign in/Sign up system.
- Online Transactions.
- Categories Divided.
Here, User has to Login/Sign Up to the site and search for the products they want or they can just check the product categories. All the Payments can be done Online with the help of Debit/Credit Cards. It’s easy to operate and understand by users.The design is pretty simple and user won’t find it difficult to understand, use and navigate.
How To Run?
You’ll need XAMP Server or WAMP Server. Put the file inside “c:/wamp/www/” or “c:/xampp/htdocs/”. Go To “localhost/phpmyadmin” in any browser and create Database named “forum”.In That Database, Import db_name.sql and finally open go to URL: “http://localhost/file_name/phpfilename”
Don’t Forget To create a database and import sql file to run.
Congrats, from Brazil!
What is the login to the admin?
there’s no admin panel
Is it multi vendor?
login doesnt work!!
I have executed online shopping with php…I have imported the db bt then also it is not showing proper site..plzz help
hi, i got problem with change the currency symbols, how can i change it? could you please help me? Thank you so much
why does get invalid went i sign up
Please send the coding of order
sign up problems
what database to create db or amaclone
localhost site can’t be reached. what to do now? its an emergency for my project. can anyone help me 🙁
what is your URL for the site?
How we open admin panal
Excellent and A wonderful read! Your article is the best one I have learned, and it has helped me. Keep doing that.
thank you sir it is help me my project
How to run and then the url
[…] site code [jetpack_subscription_form] Download the source code by clicking on the link below: [For educational purposes […]
MySQL error of Table of ‘brands’
‘brands’ already exists