Live Meeting

Live Meeting Project Report IN PHP, CSS, Js, AND MYSQL | FREE DOWNLOAD

This project is mainly developed for the communication of Employees of organization located at different locations. The project entitled “Live Meeting” set of platform for the project leaders and administrator to send messages to keep constant interaction with the programmers.

In the proposed system, the administrator can communicate with the project leaders and programmers and can also maintain the login time and logout time. He can chat about the project going on with both the programmers and project leaders. This project also maintains offline messages. The project leader gives the instant report about the project to the administrator.

Through this Communication System, Whenever user logs-in into the system then login time is recorded in the administrator’s system automatically. The administrator can scan the present online users and send the messages to single programmer ,set of programmers, project leader or Set of project leaders or all the employees wherever he/ she is present.

This project makes the most of the tedious and mundane deskwork to minimize. This facilitates the user to concentrate more on the project and less on the managing of these tasks.

The software is fully integrated with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) as well as CMS (Content Management System) solution and developed in a manner that is easily manageable, time saving and relieving one from manual works.  

The proposed system maintains…

  • Frequent interaction between the administrator and the project leaders/programmers.
  • Automatically recording the login time/logout time of the user.
  • Maintaining on line and offline Messages and Message View
  • Employee Hierarchical

Diagrams and Table Needed for this Project are:

  • Data Flow
  • ER Diagram
  • Schema Diagram
  • Use Case Diagram
  • Gantt Chart
  • Test Case

Download Project Report of Live Meeting IN PHP, CSS, JS, AND MYSQL

Author: anishaa
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