How to play LUDO?

Ludo is a game that is played with four players. The game is played on a board with four squares in each row and four squares in each column. There are four pieces for each player, and each piece is represented by a different color. The game is played with two dice, and each player takes turns rolling the dice. The player who rolls the highest number on the dice gets to move their piece first. The goal of the game is to get all four of your pieces to the finish line before any of the other players.

The game is played on a board with four squares in each row and four squares in each column. There are four pieces for each player, and each piece is represented by a different color. The game is played with two dice, and each player takes turns rolling the dice. The player who rolls the highest number on the dice gets to move their piece first. The goal of the game is to get all four of your pieces to the finish line before any of the other players.

Players take turns rolling the dice. If a player rolls a 1, they can move any of their pieces 1 space. If a player rolls a 2, they can move any of their pieces 2 spaces. If a player rolls a 3, they can move any of their pieces 3 spaces. If a player rolls a 4, they can move any of their pieces 4 spaces. If a player rolls a 5, they can move any of their pieces 5 spaces. If a player rolls a 6, they can move any of their pieces 6 spaces.

A player can only move their pieces forward, and they can only move one piece at a time. If a player lands on a space that is already occupied by another piece, then that piece is sent back to the start. The first player to get all four of their pieces to the finish line is the winner.

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