Category: Django Projects

Heart Care System using Django Framework
Posted in Django Projects Python

Heart Care System using Django Framework

Project: Heart Care System using Django Framework Please scroll down and click on the download button to…

Simple To-do App using Django Framework
Posted in Django Projects Python

Simple To-do App using Django Framework

Project: Simple To-do App using Django Framework Please scroll down and click on the download button to…

Full-fledged eCommerce site using Django Framwork
Posted in Django Projects Python

E-commerce Site using Django Framework

Project: Full-Fledged E-commerce Site using Django Framework Please scroll down and click on the download button to…

Blood bank management system using Django Framework
Posted in Django Projects Python

Blood Bank Management System Using Django Framework

Project: Blood Bank Management System Using Django Framework Please scroll down and click on the download button…

Instagram Clone Using Django Framework
Posted in Django Projects Python

Instagram clone using Django Framework

Project: Instagram Clone Using Python Django Framework Please scroll down and click on the download button to…

E-commerce site using Django Framework
Posted in Django Projects Python

E-commerce site using Django Framework

Project: E-commerce site using Django Framework With Source Code Please scroll down and click on the download…

invoice generator
Posted in Django Projects

Invoice Generator In Django With Source Code

Project: Invoice Generator In Django With Source Code Please scroll down and click on the download button…

Insurance Management System
Posted in Django Projects Python Projects

Insurance Management System in Django Framework With Source Code

Project: Insurance Management System in Django Framework With Source Code Please scroll down and click on the…

Disaster Management System
Posted in Django Projects

Disaster Management System in Django with Source Code

Project: Disaster Management System in Django with Source Code Please scroll down and click on the download…

Vehicle Service
Posted in Django Projects

Vehicle Service Using Django With Source Code

Project: Vehicle Service Using Django With Source Code Please scroll down and click on the download button…

Bus Reservation System
Posted in Django Projects

Bus Reservation System in Django with Source Code

Project: Bus Reservation System in Django with Source Code Please scroll down and click on the download…