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Projects in Python & JavaScript languages with source code. Scroll down & click on the download button to download Color Manipulation In Javascript for free

Bird Shooter In C# With Source Code

bird shooter

Project: Bird Shooter In C# With Source Code Please scroll down and click on the download button to download the Bird Shooter in the C# project for free Bird Shooter in C# is based on the concept of side-scrolling mobile…

Task Manager In PHP With Source Code

task manager

Project: Task List In PHP With Source Code Please scroll down and click on the download button to download Task Manager In PHP project for free The Task Manager In PHP is a simple project developed using PHP, JavaScript, and CSS. The…

Mini Calculator In Python With Source Code

mini calculator

Project: Mini Calculator In Python With Source Code Please scroll down and click on the download button to download the Mini Calculator In Python project for free The Mini Calculator In Python is a simple project developed using Python. The project contains the…

Text Editor In C# With Source Code

text editor

Project: Text Editor In C# (updated) with source code Please scroll down and click on the download button to download the text editor in the c# project for free The text editor in c# is a simple version of the…