Project: Weather Dashboard In JavaScript With Source Code
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The Weather Dashboard is a simple project developed using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. This project is an application to find a weather condition of a given city both the current and 5-Days forecast at the same time. The server-side API used to get a response data object is retrieved from the Open Weather API.
Making of the Project
This project is simply in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The current weather section is including the following weather characters and date.
- City, Date, Icon-image
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Wind Speed
- UV index
The 5-days weather forecast also displays below the current weather conditions section and it includes the following information for each day:
- Date
- Icon image
- Temperature
- Humidity
The local storage is used here to store the previous search city and display them to the user on the left side of the page under the list group. The user can also clear the search history by clicking the clear history button.
If the user wants to see the past search city weather condition again, just click the list group item cities under the clear history button. Also, this project includes a lot of javascript for making the functioning of the project.
How To Run the Project?
To run this project, you don’t need to have any kind of local server but yet a browser. We recommend you to use modern browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. To run this app, just, open the project in your browser by clicking the index.html file. The Weather Dashboard In JavaScript with source code is free to download, use for educational purposes only. For the project demo, you may look at the video below:
If stuck or need help customizing this project as per your need, go to our JavaScript tutorial or just comment down below and we will do our best to answer your question ASAP.
I want a weather forecast for 7 days similar to this.
thanks for the geometry dash detail