Project: Point of Sale System in PHP with source code
Point of Sale System is developed using PHP, CSS, and JavaScript. It contains an admin side from where a user can view and maintain all the records and information easily. From the admin panel, he/she can maintain sales report, customers, products, transactions etc. The Admin plays an important role in the management of this system. In this project, the user has to perform all the main functions from the Admin side.
About the System
In the system, the admin can view sales reports, transactions, and total revenue. To add products, the user has to provide product code, name, cost, price, supplier and quantity. Similarly, you can add or change product units, product categories.
Other features are about adding users, and purchases. While adding other the admin has to provide a username, full name, password and authority level. The last feature of this simple POS system is about purchases which can be added by providing a date, invoice number, supplier and remarks. The design of this project is pretty simple so that the user won’t find any difficulties while working on it. This Point of Sale System in PHP helps in easy management of product sale records
How To Run The Project?
To run this project you must have installed virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC (for Windows).
After Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP, follow the following steps
1st Step: Extract file
2nd Step: Copy the main project folder
3rd Step: Paste in xampp/htdocs/
Now Connecting Database
4th Step: Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
5th Step: Then, click on the databases tab
6th Step: Create a database naming “ipos” and then click on the import tab
7th Step: Click on browse file and select “ipos.sql” file which is inside “pos-system” folder
8th Step: Click on go.
After Creating Database,
9th Step: Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/pos-system/”
LOGIN DETAILS : (har4, 1234567)
The Point of Sale System in PHP with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only! For the project demo, have a look at the video below:
Got stuck or need help customizing this System as per your need, go to our PHP tutorial or just comment down below and we will do our best to answer your question ASAP.
hello.. how to make the quantity of product decrease after payment?
Hello. I have checcked this pos and it is perfect but I have one problem. The program is in a different language and I would like it to in English. So my question is. Is there a way I can change the language at once or I have to go to the code and do it manually. thanks
No, you must change your own language
Thanks am doing that atm though am running into so many bugs
please make a tutorial how create php desktop exe,
I can´t sign in with de the operator users
project is running in different language
how to make it run in english language
please help me
what is the password of login form sir
wrong username and password. please help
hello i have also view this project but there is still a problem in this project after adding transations it should generate a report and its record should be stored in list of sold materials can you please give solution.
How can I go to the pious project?
there is no link to that enables the operator to sell a product. Are you gonna fix that?
Very nice script. However from my observation there is a slight error via the invoice, I found out that the receipt does not display on any new transaction I made, although the old one’s are doing great. How do we rectify this error?
The system have problem on the transaction. When the user new add transaction, it cant be delete by button. the receipt didn’t show on the item selected. PLEASE HELP ME.
please send me updated source code here at my email: [email protected]
the system is not inserting order items, therefore no item show on db and printout
also when adding a new product, it doesn’t show in the database
i am unable to make new order. the order page and other pages are blank when they load
Hello, how do I run this project in a different language
how to make it run in English language
please help me [email protected]
The POS that will Revolutionize Your Business. Business Pos The perfect tool to help make running your business easier and more profitable.
Hello, when i click users, products transactions, it does not load.