Project: Travel Management System
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Features :
- Login/Register System
- Admin Panel
- Manage, Create Packages
- Easy Bookings
- Manage Bookings
The customer can sign in/sign up and search for the tour packages. Customers can book easily through the site. And there are other features such as customers can check their Tour history and their issued tickets, and many more. And Admin can Create, Manage Packages, Manage bookings, issues, inquiries, pages. The design is pretty simple and the user won’t find it difficult to understand, use and navigate.
How To Run?
You’ll need XAMP Server or WAMP Server. Put the file inside “c:/wamp/www/” or “c:/xampp/htdocs/”. Go To “localhost/phpmyadmin” in any browser and create Database (name according to SQL file).In that Database, Import the SQL file and finally go to URL: “http://localhost/file_name/phpfilename”
Don’t Forget To create a database and import SQL file to run.
[quads id=1]
hello Gat issues with importing the database. the table booking shows me errors
you might have entered wrong or different database name. Make sure your created database name is ” tms ” (small letters)
the URL is not working, please reply what is the correct url
Login: http://localhost/tms/index.php
Admin Panel: http://localhost/tms/admin
You must copy the whole project folder inside htdocs folder of Xampp. Then, only the link and system works
Installation Process is also provided in this project below the Slider
and still if you are unable to run it then, leave your email here we’ll send you a complete tutorial PDF
do you have the documentation of this project ??
nope we don’t
Hello there, i want a report for this project can you help me with this please
sorry, we don’t have project report for this one!
hell0! what an admin login details
MySQL is returning an empty result set for all tables. Any help with this? Thanks
how to edit admin login details and how to add my own images
click on Administrator, profile there you can change Password and if you want to change username too you have to change from the database (tms.sql) – search for INSERT INTO `admin` ,(which is around line 40) where you can change the username.
Similarly, for changing admin profile picture, first upload your photo at (adminimages) folder then go to (adminincludes)folder and open “header.php” using any text editor. See Line 12, you’ll find img src and replace the image name ” User-icon.png ” with your own!!
hey what do you name the database?
because I named the database as tms.sql and imported the sql file it says :
Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database ‘tms’
no, you have to name your database as “tms” not “tms.sql”
can i get the source code for making changes in it
I downloaded but after i extract the file do not have any sql file. Where the file do you put it?
the database file is inside the folder named as “sql file”. Open it up, there’s a SQL file “tms.sql”
ok sorry about that. after i register, the data stored in database but when i want to signin with new data, it have an error. “invalid detail” in pop-up. after register, the confirmation said “Info successfully submited” but in coding “You are Scuccessfully registered. Now you can login”. it is the problem?
#1293 – Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause
This problem how to solve
Hello,How This project localhost to live server uploaded
pls sir TMS Project when form live domain then some from error how can i solve it
Sir i nned project report pls
No changes could be made to my project, such as package details, cover photo etc
Can I get report for this project please.
show invalid admin user id and password
Hey i got error. If i’m changing the create packages
How to change db?
URL pls
adding package is not working
hello what is admin password