Project : Train Ticket Reservation System
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This whole system is based on a concept to reserve train tickets of various destinations.Here, as the program is executed, there’s a login system then the user has to choose between reserving a ticket, viewing all the available trains and cancel the reservation. By choosing reservation of ticket, user has to enter the name, number of tickets and then choose by which train to travel according to their destination. Then the system will ask for ticket confirmations. User can also view full list of all the trains available. After reserving a ticket you call also cancel your reservation. This whole project is designed in ‘C’ Programming language & different variables and strings have been used for the development. It is easy to operate and understand by the users.
Features :
- Login System with validations
- Easy ticket reservations
- View the arrival and departure time of trains
- Systematic presentation of train’s information
not working it shows error
1. Write a C program code that display the number 0 until 99, with the following arrangements: the first line has the number 0 until 9, the second line has the number 10 until 19, the third 20 until 29, and so on, finishing with the line that has the number 90 until 99. (2 marks) Tips: refer lecture and lab 6. 2. Add from the code above to produce output with the following instructions: (1) prompt user for an integer from 0 to 10; (2) then, display the multiples of the number entered by the user at the same… Read more »
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