Payroll Management System is a distribute application, develop to evaluate the performance of employees working in any organization. The project is aim at helping marketing people to gather, analyze and produce information required during marketing for an organization. It provides information regarding the booking details and price charges to the user. Eventually, this project also reflects the growth of the organization on the basis of the sale of tickets.
Here the main emphasis is on booking and allocation of seats to the user in accordance to the preference chosen by the user.Firstly, This project tries to sell movie tickets online and provides services like movie synopsis. The user can also choose to register and thus become a regular member of the ticketing system. The marketing part can be studied by the administrator which includes sales in a zone, district, city, and theatre wise
Diagrams and Table Needed for this Project are:
- Data Flow
- ER Diagram
- Schema Diagram
- Use Case Diagram
- Gantt Chart
- Test Case