parking lot system

Parking Lot System In Python With Source Code

Project: Parking Lot System In Python with source code

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The parking Lot System project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script ( The program allows a user to enter their vehicle’s type and license plate number. The system shows a parking grid that allows the user to see the number of available spaces as well as what types of vehicles are currently parked within the lot. The system also tracks a user’s time within the lot and will calculate a fare when the user checks out their vehicle.

About the project

While parking a vehicle, the user has to specify their vehicle’s type (Car, Truck, or Motorcycle) and the vehicle’s plate number. This program accepts any valid string as a plate number. The program also checks for duplicate plate numbers and does not let the system add duplicate ones. After successfully adding, the system shows the entry time for two seconds, then the system returns to the main menu. If adding is unsuccessful, the system shows an error then returns to the main menu.

At any point, the user can view the information of any vehicle currently stored within the lot. Selecting a valid row and space will return the vehicle’s type, plate number, and date/time of entry. Similarly, when leaving the lot, the user has to specify the row and space of the vehicle they want to remove. If space selection is valid, the vehicle will be removed from the space. The program will calculate a user’s fare based on how many hours were spent in the lot.

How to run the project?

In order to run the project, you must have installed Python, on your PC. This is a simple Console Based system, specially written for beginners. Parking Lot System in Python project with source code is free to download. Use for educational purposes only!


  1. Park a vehicle
  2. Leave the parking
  3. View the parked vehicle
  4. Display Vehicle rates

For the project demo, please look at the video below:

project demo


Istuck or need help customizing this project as per your need, just comment down below and we will do our best to answer your question ASAP.

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Aniket Jagtap
Aniket Jagtap
3 years ago

not able to execute can you plzz share the demo video for parking lot project

3 years ago

I want system implementation

Shreya Gupta
Shreya Gupta
2 years ago

I want the code of this project, can u please provide it.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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