Online Bus Reservation System

Online Bus Reservation System Project Report IN PHP, CSS, Js, AND MYSQL | FREE DOWNLOAD

Online Bus Reservation System” is the Bus Ticketing reservation. These ticket machines end the use of carrying a heavy load. Therefore, it will carry according to its capacity. Also, this system will also take the same cost for each and every person.

The conductor will prepare the details about the fare and printing. This machine will only carry 800 grams. This module includes information about how we can Manage the routes for particular bus services. This including the journey report to facilitate the corporation’s checking inspectors.

The ticket machines would help prevent loss on the account which will help the admin. It would also help in providing adequate data to the corporation. Particularly this regard to the boarding of passengers from fare stages and important points. This would help the corporation prepare and organize its schedules more efficiently on the basis of traffic demand. Besides, it would provide data on concessions given to various sections.

Continuously, this data of the ticket machine could be fed into computer. Moreover, this system is fully computerized, so some addition of other modules is done for verification. In this module all bus details are stored and manipulated, in bus detail module contains minimum charge, fare increment, bus number, type, depot, and passenger’s states (child or adult) are manipulate and stored.

This project is complete, satisfying the required design specifications. The system provides a user-friendly interface. The system is develope with a modular approach. All modules in the system have been test with valid data and invalid data and everything work successfully.

Thus, the system has fulfilled all the objectives identified and is able to replace the existing system. The constraints are meet and overcome successfully. This system is a module like it was in the design phase.

Diagrams Needed for this Project are:

  • Data Flow
  • ER Diagram
  • Schema Diagram
  • Use Case Diagram

Download Online Bus Reservation System Project Report IN PHP, CSS, JS, AND MYSQL

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4 years ago

I can’t run OBRS project …’this page isn’t working’ when ever i try to login…pls what is d username & passw

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