Online Building Management Portal we are using mainly two major technologies to support our system as two different ends. In our software VISUAL STUDIO 2008 will play important role of front end. SQL server 2005 will play a minor role in the management of the database as a back end in our system.
Member also having searching tool. Which willhelp him/her to search the different category by Building Name, Building Description, Builder Name. And other such criteria like searching in ALL above. If Member wants to add Building in multiple categories. Then online building mgt portal also provide this feature with multiple categories. Facility to Member to add or Remove or Edit his/her profile. Add Expance and Income of shop wise or building wise. Admin is provided with the searching tool,which helps him to manage the Users, Building and Categories very speedily and easily.
Diagrams and Table Needed for this Project are:
- Data Flow
- ER Diagram
- Schema Diagram
- Use Case Diagram
- Gantt Chart
- Test Case
Online Building Management Portal Project Report IN PHP, CSS, Js, AND MYSQL | FREE DOWNLOAD
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