Movie Recommendation System In Python With Source Code

Project: Movie Recommendation System in Python with source code

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The movie Recommendation system is a Content-Based Filtering Movie Recommender. This is built on a [flask app] using Python programming language and JavaScript programming language. Alos, using the concept of CB, the project uses two snippets of code. The first one is in Python programming language using the package “scikit-learn”. And the second snippet of code is in the JavaScript programming language which uses no packages and operates based on logic. Here, feature extraction methods and distance metrics are utilized to generate recommendations.

About the Project

Talking about the project, the project uses content based filtering algorithm where feature extraction method is use for calculating similarity between each item available. Also the project uses cosine similarity algorithm as distance metric. This computes the similarity of items by measuring the cosine of the angle between two vectors projected in a multidimensional vector space. The python code in will generate a list of movie recommendations provided that the user entered a valid movie name. When the movie name matches with a movie name in the dataset, it will generate the recommendations according to the soup column (all details concatenated into one string) of each movie.

Similarly, when the user enter an invalid movie name, the project will show the javascript code from notfound.html.
Also, this set of codes will return movie titles that are similar to the input that the user has entered, if applicable. The system will check the data against all existing movie names to find the most similar movie names.

How To Run The Project?

To run this project, you must have installed Python on your PC. After downloading the project, follow the steps below:

Step1: Extract/Unzip the file

Step2: Go inside the project folder, then open cmd.

Step 3: Activate the environment and install requirements (windows) as shown below:

python -m venv venv
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt 

Step 4: Run flask app as shown below:

set FLASK_ENV=development
flask run

The Movie Recommendation System in Python project with source code is free to download. Use for educational purposes only! Also, for the project demo, have a look at the video below:

project demo


Moreover, if stuck or need help customizing this project as per your need, just comment down below and we will do our best to answer your question ASAP.

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3 years ago

Are Provided The Document And ppt For This Project.

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