“Modern Bag” is an online bag buying website, which is written in PHP and MYSQL. This system will make the customer easy to shopping bag they wanted. Continuously, it consists of two main component Admin side and user side. In this system, the user needs to register to the system by filling the form. Eventually, they can log in to the system and shop for the bag they want.
This Modern Bag system shows the bag categories according to the brand. A small fashion store, it has constantly grown and become a system of young fashion stores, one of the leading fashion brands. In this system, the user can find handbags, backpacks, wallets, etc. Continuously, the user can find young people’s bags.
For the database connection in Modern Bag first, you need to create the database named Shop.sql in the localhost/phpmyadmin/, and then you can import the database which is found inside the database folder Shop V1.1.4 file.
The technologies used in this project are:
- HTML: Page layout and design
- CSS: Design
- JS: Frontend
- PHP: Backend
- Bootstrap
- Java Script
Supported Operating Systems for Modern Bag:
You can run this project in the following operating systems:
- Windows:
- MAC:
- Linux:
in the admin section it appears that home_admin.js is missing so some things aren’t working
please sent admin password