Mobile Shop’s Project Report IN Java, NetBeans IDE, AND MYSQL | FREE DOWNLOAD

The objective is to define a small mobile shop’s system for Sales and purchase of mobiles, where the detail of purchasing of mobiles of different models at which price is stored and in which price the mobiles are sold to the customers, both details are stored for the query for any mobile handsets. I include two small applications that are Notepad and Calculator, which is commonly used during the sales or purchasing.

In start I introduce a form to request for the menu which holds several options for the sales and purchasing are available. This is the starting form so all other forms are connected to it by simple connection.

During purchasing, I request for the model-id and its image for the recognized. This form accepts Mobile mode-id and its image to store and using this form it help to find that is same model-id is exists or not if exists then you can modify or complaint about it. After adding the Mobile model-id, you have to add the entire feature that is available in that Mobile. This form helps to add feature of Mobile through the available list of features. This form also helps to change or remove the feature of the Mobile.

Diagrams Needed for this Project are:

  • Data Flow
  • ER Diagram
  • Schema Diagram
  • Use Case Diagram

Download Project Mobile Shop’s IN Java, NetBeans IDE, AND MYSQL | FREE DOWNLOAD

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