Hotel Management System in C Programming with Source Code

Project: Hotel Management System (using C Programming)

This program is adapted to provide us information on reserving rooms, book an event, check the features etc. This program is untroublesome as it will serve the admin or user to be updated about the records without any strain and it is favored much by the people involved in the business sector. As we are aware of the busy and hectic schedule of business people, this Hotel management system turns out to be a great relief for them. This program definitely has a wide scope to minimize errors in the making of bills and it also limits the delay of delivering bills to the customers which can include taxes on the basis of their expenditure. This program is rooted on c or c++. In the making of this program, the users or admins comfort and reliability is put into consideration which focuses to save one’s quality time.  This system has very least chance of data loss and we don‟t have to worry about it being damaged

In short, I have taken up this project to overcome the limitations and easily tackle the barriers of security plus add, edit, search and delete the records much effortlessly.

[metaslider id=360]

Key Features Of This Project:
  1. It is very secure as only the authorized user gets to access the program because of the login function.
  2. The password is kept hidden.
  3. There is a backup of the files in case they get damaged or lost.
  4.  Proper Login Validation.
  5. Proper Validation in Adding Information.
  6. Adding, Viewing, Editing, Deleting Records.

The authorized users can add, delete, list, search, modify very easily and finely. It has speedy processing rate as the recorded data are stored in a computer memory.

Project Demo

Download Hotel Management System in C Programming:

[quads id=1]

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Siddhartha Roy Chowdhury
Siddhartha Roy Chowdhury
6 years ago

Room no. is stored as 0. Cant delete and edit it afterwards.

Naseeb Bajracharya
Naseeb Bajracharya
6 years ago

please leave your Email id here,
We’ll solve this problem and Mail you Soon !

Siddhartha Roy Chowdhury
Siddhartha Roy Chowdhury
6 years ago
6 years ago

i need a hotel management system code by choosing the availability and the billing

Naseeb Bajracharya
Naseeb Bajracharya
6 years ago
Reply to  m.saicharan

sorry, we don’t have it

6 years ago

“Room no. is stored as 0. Cant delete and edit it afterwards.”
i have the same problem!
can you help me please!
my email : [email protected]

sourabh kasera
sourabh kasera
5 years ago

How to run hotel mangment program in my system

Eddison Dzimado
Eddison Dzimado
5 years ago

Your programs are really the best……..

mohamad nadzman
mohamad nadzman
4 years ago

i would like to add insertion sort for sorting the room number . how can i add the function into the coding?

Ms Rezwon Sharieff
Ms Rezwon Sharieff
3 years ago

Sir do u have R2S15902 SOURCE CODE

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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