Hotel management is a (web portal) that helps you manage reservations, bookings, guests and agents. This is a user-friendly interface. The user can search for the vacant rooms in the hotel and book for it. Booking can only be done by register guests or through agents. The rooms will be add or update by the admin and the same would be available for the guests to book them. A user is add by the admin and is give access for any of the rights that include adding guests and agents, reservation, booking, billing, viewing reports, etc.
Admin module is design to ensure options of add, edit and delete the contents of the various pages in an easy format. Admin has control over the clients/users accessing the data and if required block users. An admin can view the booking details, transactions and coordinate the activity with the agents. He can track the entire site activity Reservations can also be make by the admin, at the back end, through a phone call or an email. He can also send an SMS to the registered users
Users can either be browsers or registered users. Registered users have the privilege to access certain sections of data. There is a standard registration procedure for users/clients. Navigation ensures easy access to the user to all the material being display. In order to realize our Vision, our Mission must be to exceed the expectations of our customers, whom we define as partners and fellow employees
The mission is to measurably improve our client’s planning, operations, finances, marketing, and services outcomes by demonstrating outstanding performance standards while providing cost-effective consulting and professional services. To become IT, partner, to fortune companies for providing information management services.
Diagrams and Table Needed for this Project are:
- Data Flow
- ER Diagram
- Schema Diagram
- Use Case Diagram
- Gantt Chart
- Test Case