File Transfer and Chat

File Transfer and Chat Project Report IN PHP, CSS, Js, AND MYSQL | FREE DOWNLOAD

File Transfer and Chat has been developed in Java of version 1.3, which is based on Object-Oriented Methodology. There are several packages reside in Java and to develop this system, mainly networking, swing packages of Java are use. Various features of Java made it a first choice of the programmers. Java is a platform-independent language, which can be run under any kind of environment.

The main features involve,

  1. Simple: – Java is a language which is based on Object Oriented Methodology, so it is very easy to learn and can be used effectively.
  • Robust: – Java Programs are said to be robust because they will take care of memory management and will never crash under any circumstances.
  • Secure: – Even though Java is develop using Object Oriented Principles, it eliminated the Pointers Concept.
  • Portable: – Java Programs are Portable that those can be run under any kind of environment irrespective of the hardware used.
  • Compiled & Interpreted: – Unlike remaining Programming languages Java code is both Compile and Interprete. The output after compilation is ‘Byte Code’ which is interprete to produce output. This Byte Code is a new evolution, which makes Java a Platform Independent Language.

The Server program is implemented using this concept so that it will always be in listening state.

Packages Used: –

  1. The default package to build any program in Java is lang that is use in developing this system
  2. The API to build Graphical User Interface in Java is provided using the packages awt and swing. This system uses both the packages to provide GUI based forms.
  3. To provide the communication over the network, the package net is use to develop the Server and Clients.

 The streams that are use to send and receive the data over the network are also utiliz in this system, which are in the package.

Diagrams Needed for this Project are:

  • Data Flow
  • ER Diagram
  • Schema Diagram
  • Use Case Diagram

Download File Transfer and Chat Project Report IN PHP, CSS, JS, AND MYSQL

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