Factory Statistics System

Factory Statistics System Project Report IN PHP, CSS, Js, AND MYSQL | FREE DOWNLOAD

 Factory Statistics System is a web tool for maintaining factories in the globe. This system has been designed to maintain a comprehensive database of factories, including the details of workers employed, accidents, poisoning and diseases, safety measures adopted, etc. Monitor implementation of Factories Act .Produce statistical reports on the functioning of factories.

These Applications provide information you won’t find elsewhere because these companies are not obligate to report this information to anyone. We provide profiles on more private companies than any other information provider on the web.

Public Company Profiles – Every public company worldwide is profile in the Goliath database. We are unique in that we offer profiles by company and by subsidiaries within those companies, vs. our competitors who provide profiles by individual office. Our profiles aggregate offices by subsidiary to save you money and time.

System consists of list of records about the management of the factories .This is a web-based application. The project has three modules namely-Admin.  As the modern organizations are automate and computers are working as per the instructions, it becomes essential for the coordination of human beings, commodity and computers in a modern organization. Administrators of the project need to maintain the information of the factories very accurately and up to date. This information helps the  other officer to handle and complete their works very efficiently.

   The administrators and all the others can communicate with the system through this projects, thus facilitating effective implementation and monitoring of various activities of the project. This project consists the  details of various factories.

                                    In this system we are maintaining the Director login and  how to factory registration, no of factories, Add accident & Inception, closed &Remove factories, Add conventions, and Add annual returns.

Diagrams and Table Needed for this Project are:

  • Data Flow
  • ER Diagram
  • Schema Diagram
  • Use Case Diagram
  • Gantt Chart
  • Test Case

Download Project Report of Factory Statistics System IN PHP, CSS, JS, AND MYSQL

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