Crime Reporting App

Crime Reporting App and Admin Panel In Android and PHP with Source Code

Project: Crime Reporting App and Admin Panel In Android and PHP with Source Code

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This reporting app is a fully functional Android project. It allows the user to view the news data and crime reporting data that is fetched from the database and allows users to search and sort the data as per their wish. To run the project you will need Android Studio and XAMPP. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on your computer.

About the project

This whole project has only one concept, to report the nearby crime and complaints along with view recent news and sort the news data from the recycler view data that comes from the database file. You have to log in first to enter the system. Then, you can filter category-wise. You can even view the details of each item. The whole project has a simple-looking UI design.

The project also has an admin system in web form. The admin first has to log in to get inside the panel. And the admin can manage all the crime reporting as well as the news updating section from the dashboard. The admin panel is in PHP programming language.

How To run the project?

In order to run the project, first, install Android Studio. Then import the project from the studio’s homepage. Your project set up will automatically start. All the Gradle build files will automatically install inside your project root directory. Run the project and set up your virtual device and run the emulator. The project will start and you view the data from the MySQL file in the recycler view. Also for the database section, you have to follow the steps below:

After Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP, follow the following steps.

1st Step: Extract the file
2nd Step: Copy the project folder ‘crime_report’
3rd Step: Paste in xampp/htdocs/

4th Step: Open a browser and go to the URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
5th Step: Then, click on the databases tab
6th Step: Create a database naming “crime_report” and then click on the import tab
7th Step: Click on browse file and select “crime_report.sql” file which is inside the “DB” folder
8th Step: Click on the go.

After Creating Database,

9th Step: Open the android studio project, and change the base URL in the constant file by your IP address. Now, for the admin panel go to the URL “http://localhost/crime_report/”

Note: login details of admin section:
username: [email protected] password: admin@1

Be Alert

This project app is developed in the Android studio and the admin panel is in PHP. Here java programming language is used for the field validation and XML language for the transferring of data. This project keeps asking you about the plugin update to keep your internet alive. And moreover, you will need to update your SDK version, and also you have to update your instant run plugins.


If you are stuck or need help customizing this project as per your need, just comment down below and we will do our best to answer your question ASAP. 

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Samuel Sunday
Samuel Sunday
2 years ago

Good day
Please I need a help on my project in school

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