Project: Black Jack Game In JavaScript
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This is as a simple javascript project. This game is a little bit similar to the casino blackjack game. This is a strategy and a card game. The user will find this game quite easy to play and have fun with. If you have ever played this game, you can easily understand the rules.
About Gameplay
The gameplay is simple for this game. When you start the game, you first have to enter your player name. Once you do that you can see different options. You have to first place your chips as the bet. Select chips according to your will. Each color of chips has their own values. Place your bet and then you can proceed further. You can also double the bet amount. The cards will pop-up to you. See your cards carefully and proceed for further bets.
To run this game you will need a browser installed on your system . Download and open this project in your code editor. Then there is an index.html file which you can modify. Run that file in your command prompt or you can directly run the index file. Use Google Chrome or FireFox for better user experience. Also, this is a multi-player game that is one is computer and the other is the human.
This game consists of a lot of JavaScript validations. This game is fun to play and even fun if you can modify it with a little bit of CSS.
In whole this project uses a lot of javascript and javascript libraries. If you can add some more levels with different color options then you can surely enhance your javascript skills with its libraries. This Game in Javascript with source code is free to download. Use for educational purpose only!
[quads id=1]