bank system

Bank System In C++ With Source Code

Project: Bank System in C++ with source code

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Bank System is based on the concept of recording customer’s account details. The system contains only the admin section. Here the admin can perform all the tasks like creating an account, deposit and withdraw amount, check balance, view all account holders detail, and modify an account. There’s no login system for this project. All the main features of the banking system are set in this project.

About System

Talking about the features of the Bank System, an admin can create an account of the customer by providing the name of the account holder, account number, and so on. Then the admin can also deposit and withdraw money. He/she can also check for the balance inquiry which displays the account holder’s name with account number type and amount. Also, he/she can view all the account holder’s list. Moreover, the admin can also close the account and can modify the account detail as per their wish.

This project uses classes and file handling features of C++. Here, the system creates an external file (DAT file) to store all the user’s data, so every time we get into the system we can operate with the existing accounts.

How to run the project?

In order to run the project, you must have installed Dev C++ or Code Blocks on your PC. (we recommend these IDE). Bank System in C++ Programming with source code is free to download. Use for educational purposes only! This project provides the simplest system for managing the banking system. For the project demo, have a look at the video below:

project demo


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George Dauker Tokoma
George Dauker Tokoma
2 years ago

this is being helped so much keep it up

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