Project: Nokia Snake Game In JavaScript With Source Code
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The Nokia Snake Game is a single-player game. Here, the player has to control the blue rectangular-shaped box (termed as a snake) on a bordered plane. The game is a very popular and interesting game. Here, you just have to press any arrow keys to start moving the snake, then get eating those blue dots to score, grow your snake bigger, and speed up the movement of the snake.
Making of the game
This Nokia Snake game is simply developed using HTML and JavaScript. The PC controls of this game are also simple. You just have to use the arrow keys of the keyboard for moving the snake in different directions. The game is on until you save the snake from the boundary line and snake itself. The game score is on the left side. All the gaming function is set from JavaScript whereas HTML is set for the layouts and other minor functions.
How to run the project?
To run this project, we recommend using modern browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The game also supports Explorer/Microsoft Edge. The Nokia Snake Game in JavaScript with source code is free to download, use for educational purposes only. For the project demo, you can have a look at the video below:
If stuck or need help customizing this Game In JavaScript as per your need, go to our JavaScript tutorial or just comment down below and we will do our best to answer your question ASAP.
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